Commercial space and land for sale in Blu Boulevard in Kamez area in Tirana.

ID TRS-522-45V
Type Commercial
Status For Sale
Price € 517.000 Euro
Surface m2 458.2 m2 + 111.8 m2
Bathrooms 3
Parking Yes
City Tirana
Address Bulevardi Blu, Kamez

Business environment and land for sale along the Blue Boulevard in Kamez.

It has a land area of 458.2 m2 and a building area of 111.8 m2.

The building is organized in a large open space and 3 toilets.

Very good investment opportunity, the environment can be divided into 3 smaller shops.

The large glass facade offers excellent advertising as well as abundant natural lighting.

The large yard in front of the building offers parking opportunities but also business use.

The area is quite populated and popular.

Property equipped with ownership certificates.

Price: 51.600.000 leke

Property location in map

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+355 4480 2288
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Rr. Durresit, kryqezimi me Rr. Milan Shuflaj. Nr. 5 Tirana, Albania

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