Land for sale in Kamez area in Tirana , Albania (TRS-614-38b)

ID TRS-614-38b
Type Land
Status For Sale
Price € 75.000 Euro
Surface m2 1500 m2
City Tirana
Address Rruga Altruisti

Land for sale in Altruisti Street in Tirana.

The land is located in the main street, just 200 m2 away from Berisha Street in Kamez, in Tirana.

It has an area of 1500 m2, with direct exit to the road.

The land is very suitable for resident and different business.

The advantage of this land is the rectangular surface. 

It has regular papers of ownership. 

Price 50 Euro / m2

Property location in map

Our contacts

+355 4480 2288
+355 6960 88288      whatsapp.png viber.png
Rr. Durresit, kryqezimi me Rr. Milan Shuflaj. Nr. 5 Tirana, Albania

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